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Art Books

Friday, 09 September 2016

I have a bit of an obsession with art books and have a good collection, the latest being 'Pioneering Painters - The Glasgow Boys" produced by the Royal Academy. A group of about 20 painters with common interests, friendships and training, formed around the late 19th Century, one of my favourites being James Guthrie.  For one thing, his work reminds me to use more paint!

His portrait of 'Old Willie - the Village Worthy' is particularly beautiful for its subtlety in colour and tone.  I simply love it.  It's worth looking up the Glasgow boys as they are not as well known to the public, but I'm sure you'll recognise one or two paintings, such as Sir John Lavery's Anna Pavlova (1911) dancing.  Check out The Glasgow Boys work, for some inspiration or just simple joy. Let me know your favourites.

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