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Latest News

My major exhibitions for this year are over and I've come out the other end, having learnt heaps and feel that they have been somewhat of a success. Big news this month.  I have been given the honour and privilege of being selected as a finalist in the Lester Prize for Portraiture WA.  I am looking forward to meeting the other finalists and going through the journey and finding out the result.  Fingers crossed.


Art Books

Art Books

Friday, 09 September 2016
I have a bit of an obsession with art books and have a good collection, the latest being 'Pioneering Painters - The Glasgow Boys" produced by the Royal Academy. A group of about 20 painters with common interests, friendships and training, formed around the late 19th Century, one of my favourites...
New Shoes

New Shoes

Sunday, 28 August 2016
Continuing on with my love/hate relationship of Acrylic paint I have produce this piece I've named New Shoes as she seems to be very aware of them here, as we do.  I think I've finished... which may be a strange thing to say, but as all artists say, "is anything ever really finished"?...

The Four Seasons

Thursday, 25 August 2016
I've had some fun creating these four paintings. Winter to the right here, and the other 3 are under the Fashion tab on the front page.  I haven't used acrylic paint for a very very long time.  I am a die hard oil paint girl.  It was so frustrating at first as it drys so quickly,...
Back to my roots!

Back to my roots!

Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Its been a while since I have produced any fashion illustrations and when I tried recently, I couldn't believe how rusty I had become.  The technique is so different to any of the other work I produce.  Anyway, I had fun playing and failing and finally came up with something I liked....
Master Class demonstration alongside Rafael at his gallery

Master Class demonstration alongside Rafael at his gallery

Thursday, 23 July 2015
Back from Perth after 2 weeks holiday. My exhibition finishes here in Atyrau this weekend. On Monday at 5pm I will be participating in a Master Class demonstration alongside Rafael at his gallery. Come down and view the demonstration if you can. Rafael’s lovely, Eleanora is sitting for us....
The opening of the exhibition on Saturday evening was a success

The opening of the exhibition on Saturday evening was a success

Thursday, 23 July 2015
A good size crowd gathered and the paintings were well received. I couldn’t ask for more. Hopefully, more people will go to visit the gallery over the next month. It made me want to get straight back to painting. The gallery looked very professional and I am very thankful to Rafael and Eleonora...


Perth, Western Australia 

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Mobile: +61 419 947803

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