The Four Seasons
I've had some fun creating these four paintings. Winter to the right here, and the other 3 are under the Fashion tab on the front page. I haven't used acrylic paint for a very very long time. I am a die hard oil paint girl. It was so frustrating at first as it drys so quickly, gets sticky and hard to push about as you can do so beautifully with oils. However it is a more suitable medium to get the graphic effect I wanted with these four, so it was practise and learn! By the end of it I had my hand in and flowing along. I did discover in my stash of goodies some gel medium to use which seemed to make them stay wet for at least another 30 seconds! Can't really do without it. Working quickly is how I like things to be done so it was an enjoyable creative time. I did love that cleanup was so fast and no bother - bonus! I don't know where in my head the images came from but I guess I love to keep up with fashion trends, colours, makeup and hair constantly so my influence came from there and once I got started it just seemed to flow. They evolved while I was painting them. I think I also channeled a bit of French influence along the way, n'es pas? As always finding what subject to paint is the hardest thing for me, but I'm in the creative space right now so there'll be more of something coming. (Vague!) I hope you enjoy seeing this work, a bit of fun and lots of colour and pattern - I can't resist it. These four are for sale, so if your interested please shoot off an email to me directly.